A - To continue the lesson , projecting some activity on the screen.
As a teacher you can still project on the screen many activities for students to work on while at the computer.
For example:
A text for students to copy and add all the missing punctuation.
A text for students to copy and change it to a different verb tense.
A text for students to copy and continue writing the story.
A text for students to copy and add all the missing vowels or consonants.
A song which has a song inserted and so students can listen and complete the gaps.
( later as you have the answer key , you can project this on the screen and students correct themselves.Or you can play the song to all the class and students complete the gaps ( this works better in case students don' t have headsets )
A listening exercise which has the audio inserted and so students can listen and answer the questions. you may proceed as when working with songs.
* Play students a video and let them complete the activity. Find videos and activities at my Videos page or my videoword activities
Also check my PowerPoint page to download and project Grammar or Vocabulary presentations
Also check my Competition games to download and project PowerPoint Grammar games
Also check my Grammar videos page , to download and play these videos to students